Monday, May 11, 2009

The best drama of all

So which drama I'm talking about?? Shall I say the ongoing politic crisis in the country? Well, this never really caught my attention until the chaotic May 7 Perak state assembly sitting saga. I know I'm no expert in politics but I suddenly feel the need to vent out my frustation. Maybe it's true that these people actually adhered to the law of the jungle.

Instead of fighting like kids for a bar of chocolate, they should focus more on wooing back the rakyat confidence because changes are inevitable or the rakyat willl change them! New approaches should be taken to win the heart of many who no longer have faith in the government and reaching out to them who are now seeking comfort in the arms of those who can offer more alluring political ideas. The only thing they keen to do is to display their glaring apathy and arrogance (not to mention money making for themselves) without considering the rakyat views in the first place.

First they toppled the Opposition-led state government and claimed to abide to the principal of the majority but hang on a minute, this isn't principal we are talking about but the law! This is totally illegitimate and unconstitutional though they claimed it was done in a 'civilised manner'. Secondly, it was so sickening to see how they forced former Speaker V Sivakumar to vacate his seat by grabbing him by the arms and dragged him outside the hall. This is totally violating even worst tainting the sanctity of the sitting and it was forcibly done. What a shame!!

All I can say, as long as the opposing factions continues to happen and remain at loggerheads, sabotaging and dirty politics, the government will fall short of what it set out to do for the rakyat..Shall I need to say more??

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sweet Guilty Pleasure..

So, now you are complaining about your weight after that full plate of nasi kandar? Or a pint of your favourite chocolate/vanilla ice-cream? Well, fret not. It's not only you but almost everyone has succumbed from that guilt.

Many people especially guys are too vain to admit that they are suffering from GP (guilty pleasure) but well you know, it's just a way for them to deny their egoism for some random reason. This often contradicts with us lads cos we are just too human to live in denial. So by venting out our frustation over our excessive food craving doesn't really mean that we are dissappointed but it's more like expressing oneself. It's much better than pretending you are fine with everything (like most guys do) though you know that obviously you've munched more than what your little tummy needs. Let me tell you, guys do suffer from GP! So no worries girls..

Don't worry if you keep listening to voices inside your head telling you to stop stuffing yourself with this oh-so-heaven treats of comfort food. Reward yourself sometimes is good but remember the key is not to overindulge cos more always mean bad. You know, too much of anything can actually harm you eventually. Just remember to replenish yourself after your hard work be it at the gym, work or even at home! You need to restore your energy booster before starting all over again.

I was a little weary when my personal trainer told me I had low metabolisme rate which means you know, my fat burns at slower rate doesn't matter how hard I work my @#$ out at the gym. So what I did? Instead of totally refraining myself from grabbing my fav tea time snack, I just cut everything into half. What a wise way to indulge! So who said I can't have cheese cake after all? On a serious note, I bake marvellously, delicious finger-licking cheese cake! So, cheese cake anyone??

The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened!

Hola..This would be my first post and I know that it might takes me ages before I can publish my very first blog. So guess what prompted me to blog?? One might wonders why on earth I decided to do this though frankly it has never even crossed my mind for once and believe it or not, it is not even listed in my so called bucket list!
Well, I’ve just finished watching my fav tv show – Desperate Housewives when I suddenly realized something. Being a loyal follower to this show for 6 or perhaps 7 good years (sorry, i couldn’ t really remember the exact years) I can say that none of all episodes I watched before could beat this week’s episode (Ep 13 – Season 5). This one really brought me to tears! This so far is the most beautiful episode and I was deeply touched. I have to admit that I’m pretty weak when it comes to benevolence and that’s my biggest flaw. I haven’t really thought about it but it struck me to see how Eli Scruggs really cares about others and makes me think about how selfish I had been. All the while I was being self-centered. Everything i did was all about me and nothing else, fullstop! Gosh..I couldn’t believe it. What struck me the most was when Mary Alice landed Eli’s his first job after seeing his torn shoes. I couldn’t help but to let tears rolling down my face when I found out about Eli’s shoes when he talked to Mary Alice. It’s not just sympathy I’m talking about but doing good deeds to others could leave a significantly lasting impression so others can have a vivid, fond memories about you. I finally understand what I could do to fill a small hole in my heart. It’s not love or caress from a man whom you thought might be the one but caring and sharing your love with others that comes above all.
Now, I’m reaching gaily into the air, let my mind seized for a while before smiling gleefully as I type this last sentence..